New ‘Strand Essay’ Available for Pre-Order

My small book You Pray for Dry Weather at the Sight of the Sun is up for pre-order on Amazon. 30 short chapters about fatherhood, memory, birth, and death, all revolving around a video game called Death Stranding.

I’ve started writing the next book, which will be kind of like this one, only “fictional.” It’s called Dying World, and Kickstarter backers will remember it as one of the four books promised in that campaign. Goal is to have all four out by the end of the year.

It’s exciting to be back to writing again. The past five or six years have been crazy. It feels like ever since 2016 the culture lost its mind, which led to a lot of soul-searching. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write at all, to be honest. Then I found other people who enjoying making art for the hell of it, and their enthusiasm got me hyped again.

Print version will be along soon. In the meantime, if you’re a Kindle reader, please pre-order and signal boost this release. I want to see if I can get to 100 pre-orders, which might trick the Amazon algorithm into thinking it’s a popular book. Then, if it sells well, I might be able to take a week off to write more (and play Elden Ring, to be honest).

Hope all is well with you.

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